This is the final week of American Idol for 2007, and I’m glad. Two contestants remain, Jordin and Blake, one of whom will be our next American Idol. This means that I won’t have this lame-ass stuff to write about anymore. Furthermore, I lament that there will be no more ongoing comment narrative between The Redhead and me about this show after this week for the remainder of the year. I think it is good that we’re not subjected to AI 52 weeks a year. I get more than my fill of their vacuous crap for the five months out of the year the damn thing is producing new material. But I digress.
The Redhead informs me that Paula Abdul broke her nose tripping over her Chihuahua named “Tulip.” The ever entertaining judges, superfluous at this stage of the competition, continue to provide twists and turns. Yeah, they’re part of the entertainment package. Paula will be lovely with her nose in a sling.