Sir Mouse is on vacation with the gators and the crocs so The Redhead is on her own. And yes, I’m a day late posting since I was at my rowing/crew class last night (managed to stay afloat, somehow) and didn’t make it back to watch the Big Show in real time.
I knew I had missed something grand when I checked Facebook around midnight and saw some of my friends going ga-ga (not as in the Lady G., thankfully) over Adam’s performance. Suffice it to say, I’ve been catching up on You Tube today so I could see what all the fuss was about. ??????? ??? ??? ?????
As always, when one hears a lot of hype about how great something or someone is, disappointment can follow, so I’m not surprised that I didn’t have a Big O when I watched a replay of Adam singing the 1982 Tears for Fears song, Mad World. But I can’t deny that I momentarily got the chills as I took in his impressive and understated performance. ??????? ??? ??? ?????
Sitting on a stool as he sang, Adam’s taut delivery of Mad World was both haunting and heartbreaking. The guy is a true showman and his performance was a piece of theatre. The crowd was nearly apoplectic after the concluding high note, and the proceedings were now in overtime. Simon informed Adam that he would be speaking for all of the judges since they needed to wrap things up. Then Simon rose from his seat and gave Adam another kind of Big O–a standing ovation. Wow.
Has Simon ever done that before? Not that I can recall. Let’s just hand Adam the key to Hollywood now. ?????????? ????? The competition, at this point, is basically to determine the first runner-up, and most of us are just tuning in to see what Adam will do next because in contrast to him, the other contenders pretty much suck.
I’m afraid that’s all I’ve got time for, kids. From the reviews I’ve read of the rest of the show, Lil and Scott may be in the Bottom Three tonight. We shall see. For now, I bid you adieu and send good thoughts to Sir Mouse as he flirts with the reptiles and other slithery creatures down in the swamps of south Florida.