The NFL is holding an open vote for its all-time 75 best draft picks. Among the candidates for inclusion are former Nittany Lions Kerry Collins, Jack Ham, Franco Harris, Lenny Moore, and Mike Munchak.
The voting mechanism is interesting. It is not the typical “choose m candidates out of n total choices” kind of thing. Instead, you view pairs of players and vote for one of the two. For example, you might see Fran Tarkenton vs. Mike Curtis pop up on your screen. Under each of their photos is a summary of their stats and whether they are active or not. After thirty votes, your current top ten will appear, and it will be updated each time you vote. I made about 100 selections, and although I never saw Franco or Munchak come up, I found the whole thing very entertaining.
Further details and biographic sketches of the four Lions are available at the main PSU Athletics web site.