But they’re dumbasses.
Who? The assholes who make fun of the Sandusky victims.
Let us start out with our genteel friends in Columbus who are selling the t-shirt below to their dedicated fans.

However, this Michigan blogger has her head in the right place, and not just because of the UM-OSU rivalry. Who the hell made this piece of garbage, and who is buying it? Do we put a damn football rivalry ahead of people’s ruined lives?
So, some Penn State fan tweeted the above, and what do you think happened? Outrage? Hell, no. Some dumbass LSU fan decided to play “Can You Top This?” with LSU’s entry in the tasteless t-shirt contest below, claiming that its introduction predated the OSU entry in the scumbag t-shirt sweepstakes. There is something a little bit funny about it, though. The dumbass rednecks who made it couldn’t figure out how to spell “than”.

So it reads: “I’d rather take a shower at Penn State then support Alabama.” I’m sure the folks in Tuscaloosa will appreciate you showering your cruddy redneck asses before you come down to offer your drunken support.
No doubt, there will be more of these ignoramuses peddling their wares, and undoubtedly, they will make some money. This is detestable, despicable, and just plain mean.
And worst of all, they think it’s funny.