Physician, heal thyself! Yes, I’m back on that rant again. It has been twenty days since my new doctor’s office took my blood and sent it to the lab. It’s been thirteen days since I called that office and was told that test results take seven to ten days. I have no idea if or when I’ll ever see those results.
The Hose
The Turkey is on the two-year plan with respect to colonoscopies, due to a chronic condition called polyposis. So, it was with the usual unbridled delight that I retrieved my telephone messages one day last week, hearing a reminder from my colorectal surgeon’s office that it was time to schedule my biennial fun encounter with the six-foot hose. However, this is not a rant about the joys of this invasive procedure. Instead, it is another installment in my ongoing series of bloviations about the health care morass.
The Turkey Finds a Doc, But…
As promised, this is a follow-up to my previous posts about the arduous process of finding a new doctor. I have found one and I had my first appointment with him. As I expected, there are good things and not-so-good things. The anticipation was running high, because I had waited one full month from the time I scheduled the appointment. Must be a popular doc, I thought.