Norwood Teague Out as Minnesota AD

While we’re warming up for the season — Saturday can’t come soon enough! — I’ll stop and take note of one more embarrassing Big Ten high-profile resignation. University of Minnesota Athletic Director Norwood Teague, 49, resigned as a result of a drunken sexting scandal involving coworkers. Penn State doesn’t play Minnesota this year, so our girls are doubly safe.
University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler’s initial reaction to the revelation that Teague was sending naughty texts to babes was that he had been “overserved” alcohol. That implies that he thinks one must drink whatever one is served. Now, come on, who does Kaler think he is? Obama? He thinks the public is so stupid and naïve that they’ll swallow his puerile externalization and set him free? He should have fired the AD and sent him to AA. [Read more…]